Are you looking to protect your business, school, or community against vaccine-preventable diseases? Look no further! Pharma Quest Co. is here to help. Whether you’re a growing company, a school back on face-to-face classes, or a non-profit organization looking to start a vaccination program, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’ll share with you the importance of vaccination and what vaccines are recommended for different populations.
Why Invest in Vaccination?
A growing company means that your team is growing, you’re bringing in a lot of business, and interacting with a lot of people daily. To protect the growth of your business, you need to invest in the health of your employees. The same goes for schools. As face-to-face classes are back to 100%, there’s an opportunity to provide protection to your students and employees. Non-profit organizations and homeowners associations can also take advantage of Pharma Quest Co.’s all-in-one solution for your vaccination program. By ensuring your community is vaccinated, you can create a safer, more productive, and happier environment.
What Vaccines Are Recommended?
While the recommendations may vary depending on age, lifestyle, health conditions, and occupation, there are common recommendations such as the flu vaccine, Tdap vaccine, HPV vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, MMR vaccine, and hepatitis A and B vaccines. These recommendations came from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Health of the Philippines.
- The influenza (flu) vaccine is recommended to get annually because the strain differs each year
- Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccines are recommended every 10 years, especially for emergency workers such as police officers and firefighters.
- The Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is a series of 2-3 doses and is recommended for ages 11 or 12 but is also recommended for adults 26 years or older who were not adequately vaccinated with HPV when they were younger.
- The pneumococcal (pneumonia) vaccine is recommended depending on age and other risk factors.
- The measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines are recommended if not previously vaccinated or if immunity is uncertain. This is recommended for healthcare workers, people who are working with children such as teachers or school administrators, uniformed personnel, and for immigration officers.
- Hepatitis A vaccine: typically recommended for people at high risk of infection, such as those who travel to areas with high rates of hepatitis A, men who have sex with men, and people with chronic liver disease.
- Hepatitis B vaccine: typically recommended for people at high risk of infection, such as healthcare workers, people with multiple sex partners, people with chronic liver disease, people with HIV, and those who inject drugs.
However, we always recommend consulting with a doctor or healthcare professional before proceeding with any vaccination.
Pharma Quest Co. Health Webinar
To help you fully understand what vaccine your company, organization, or community needs, Pharma Quest Co. can provide a health webinar facilitated by a doctor. During the webinar, you’ll learn about the different vaccines, the benefits of vaccination, and the recommended vaccines for different populations.
In conclusion, investing in vaccination is an important step toward protecting your business, school, or community. By working with Pharma Quest Co., you’ll have access to a comprehensive vaccination program that includes expert advice and affordable prices. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule a health webinar for your community.
Contact Information:
Phone: 0917-302-6442 or 8532-5588
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